Monday, July 18, 2011

dear greater being please stop whisking the insides of my head with your enormous cosmic eat beater.

oh cripes. ohhh cripes. Freek, Frack and Frock. In this, the 23rd year of my life, I am sitting in my parents house with them. Mum and I are parked on the couch for Coronation street while Dad snores reassuringly near by.
in two days my world is going to be turned upside down. all over again.

I feel like at any given point in my life im only gearing myself up to move again. Elm-ottawa-Australia-shed(*Seriously)-ottawa-rochester-preston and now. the cake topper.

The city where dreams are made and broken - Los Angeles, California.

I know
tell me about it

Dont ask me why im doin it, everyone knows that love makes you do crazy things.

hello land of dry heat and good bye hummidity; you are a jerk.

Im ver ver apprehensive about leaving. . . its my home town and this move would be. . . sort of permanent i guess. . . Leaving my family, my friends, school, work- everything.


Wheel of fortune is on the backround (*Dont judge me im waiting for jeopardy.) and the winning prize was
"Lea_ing _n a Jet Pl_ne"

leaving on a jet plane.

there you have it. fate at its best.
HUZAH for courage and can i get a whoop whoop for bravery.
spf 65 you best get ready for a whoooole lot of me.

okay cosmos, please take care of me.
oh and american boarder guards - please let me in.

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