Friday, September 9, 2011

Katie Baby LA Lady

We were waiting for like ten minutes.
What does his guy think he's doing?
Are you serious? COME ON.
Yes Hellloooo its me. stairing you down.
You know what I want its in view.

this guy had like 5 tables to serve and I sat there and watched him do basically nothing while asking his manager twice to run our drinks. The both decided not to and that was what began the laser beam vison. This beer was sitting out in the open for what seemed like hours, the foamy head of the beer deflating from loneliness.

Finally his eyes meet mine.
Im sitting with my left thumb under my chin. my other fingers are lightly resting on my lower lip.
and theeeeen I raised my eyebrows and stuck my hand from under me. as if to say " UMMMMM HELLO?! what are you doing!?"

worst server ever.

" Jeeeez babe if I didnt know any better i'd say you're getting a little LA in you..."

Yesterday A women in front of me changed lanes in an intersection without signalling causing me to stomp on my breaks so hard that the tires screeched.
I flipped her off.

Good God, what is this city doing to me?