Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fresh Prince

I saw something yesterday. it was so wierd and amazing and out of place that I had to stop and look twice.
make your mind a canvas cause i've got my key button paints and im gonna paint you a picture.

In The suburbs of LA, I see a house. this house is just like every other pastel coloured house around. Surrounding the house are ornate gold 3/4 fencing with fancy tops. over top of the house and sitting int he backyard is a HUGE blow up bouncy castle. with spires and flags and bright colours exploding into the sky.

At the end of the lane way is a Boy. He is an east indian boy dressed in traditional clothing in a shining gold colour. gorgeous beading and thread work - this outfit is intensional and he is looking sharp.
He is striding towards the gates of this house by an invisible string tied to his chest with a glowing smile of childlike innocence. He holds in his hands a Gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

I couldnt help but wonder who he was going to see? who were those flowers for? A love or unrequited one? was a little girl sitting in the castle waiting for him or was she dreading his arrival? a cousin? aunty? . . .
It almost drove me mad

I decided in my own head that it was the greatest love of all time. I think of that little golden prince. THE fresh prince. flowers, gold and a castle.
Dang, don't try and tell me romance is dead

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