Look stupid neighbours upstairs -> It is almost two oclock in the Effing morning. Since my room mate and I are sleeping in different rooms due to snore city, I find myself happily camped out in the family room.
Now i've had my parties and pisssed off my fair share of neighbours so i'm not gonna be "that guy" who calls the cops or bark up into the dark night some hateful and resentful demands but dude. I dont care "how 80's " this song is or how "so shoulder pads" it might be.
Look Bowie Rocked the 80's get over it.
and I love me some Bowie - one of my favorite pre-show backstage warm up and dance songs is without a question " young Americans" but seriously. seriously.
I promised myself I would never be "that neighbour"
-anger at realising that last statement IS me at the moment
I've long since had my cup of tea, my glass of milk and my too many cookies okay? Nanna over here is gonna feel like death in the morning and look it too ( maybe once warmed over)
im gonna have to haul my little muffins outta bed. . . or off of mattress on floor. . . and work 9 hours okay? so while your prayin to the porcelain god tomorrow morning -no wait - today. Just know that you should thank your lucky stars bub and bib (* i figure thats what ill call the girl voice) that one certain little lady down here is working because i would LOVE to get up extra early and BLAST with all power given to me the LONGEST list of show tunes I can find.
Little Shop of Horrors? yeah I got that
Les Mes? Bring it.
Rent - dont even tempt me.
FEEL MY MUSICAL WRATH! FEeEEEEeeeeLLLLlllll it you inconsiderate poops!
*silence on the western front*
*blink. Blink.*
more silence.
oh sweet mama could it be??
im gonna hop back on to matress and hit the hay while I can!
GRANDMAS EVERYWHERE REJOICE! I have beaten the young whipper-snappers at their own game!!!!
Kitty 1 weiners 0
oh no.
dear god please.
*eye twitch*
one of many drunken people anthems.
my criptonite.
and off tune.
end it.
right now.
Im not even drinking and i wanna vomit.
I am ever resiliant. they couldn't make it through. perfect.
your lucky neighbours. I didnt call the police. . . i also couldnt find their number.
consider this a warning. a totally unknown to you, none verbal lashing of epic porportions.
I bid you adieu
good day and good morning . . . jerks ( not you, i like you very much. thats to the upstairs hooligans)
p.s - i've been called alot worse from neighbours. but they were very mean. Im not like that, ill just not be verry happy with you and never know your face and wont ever do anythinga bout it so really calling you a jerk on my bloggity blog is getting off easy. your welcome.
*sigh* I didn't mean it. I know my mother would say to a grumbling slouched over me right now " common kasoleen you're better than that"
soooo your not jerks. but I dont like you very much right now. there.