Monday, November 8, 2010

Four score and One month ago . . .

Weeeellllllllll yesterday was the one month mark of being in Australia.
Twas spent surfing at Bondi Beach which was by far the hardest day I've had out. not that I've had many but oh man this one was tough, the waves weren't breaking cleanly and they were Sa-mokin' me in every direction. Molly and I were smacked around and I've got a nasty bruise on the underneath of my right arm, little cuts here and there and my right hip looks like a banana past its prime. Barely made it out past the break, only a few times but that was better than not at all. I did manage to ride on my knees again a few times and that was pretty boss. :)

The weather here has been pretty crumby with grey skies and rain all.the.time.
In fact, today as I finished work, I popped into an internet cafe for a little skype date . . . a fantastic 2 hr skype date. . . and just as I was getting ready to leave, a jar of thunder beans rolled off the big table in the sky and crashed open. The water wall that held the thunder beans shattered and fell all over our beach town. . . I decided to try my luck and pop into the corner store.
I figured I could try my luck and see if i couldn't find an umbrella or at least a blow up raft to paddle home in.
Didn't exactly find what I was looking for but I DID find a rain poncho!
a one size fits all, three snap clear poncho!
Wearing this bad boy made me look like the most flamboyant wizard in the world.
A wizard who when choosing a robe decided that size was much more important than style.
but none the less, it got me home much dryer than i would have been without it. therefore i am thankful and letting it dry right now in the bathroom for tomorrow morning.
its still thundering and lightening - ing. . . ? outside.
i'll slip off to bed soon, im awfully tired and after all,
tomorrow is another day.

1 comment:

  1. Rain in Australia?? Not good...but then again, I'll bet there is no snow on the horizon. Keep on truckin' kiddo.

