Good day this morning - I spent the better part of the day decorating Mellon Head in full christmas attire. I will point out that since I am cut from the same cloth as my mumsie, it would be ill form if I didn't first cover myself in all the decore I could find. so mum yes - I had tinsle everywhere. I climbed a latter and made garland wreaths for our freakin painted on watermelons on our sign outside. My manager told me she was really really glad to hear that I was thinking f staying in Coogee longer and that made me happy. alot of smiles and laughs today.
Tonight was one of my best nights so far. yes yes and oui bien sur!
I worked at the legion tonight which i like doing because its an excuse to dress up a little, make some soooolid coin and on some lucky nights (* like tonight) feel a little magic.
First tonight I met an older couple named Betty and John. jeeeez what lovely people. John insisted that I was German, which I clearly am not but we joked about it after, they asked about Canada and we spoke and joked for some time. they gave me great advice about traveling and I noticed that they were sitting at table 13.
* F to the Y all the way to the I - I was born on a friday the 13th, its been my lucky number for ever as well as my dads, that number pops up EVERYWHERE in my life and I love it. *
I informed them of my 13 love and that my boyfriends birthday also fell on the 13th and that John was his name too. We laughed about that for a little while and they did all those cute old people things like hold onto my arms when they were talking and sayin little jokes to me ect. ect.
what nice nice people.
And you know whats really nice about working in a fancy restaurant?
anything you can get your grubby little paws on. For instance - tonight I scarfed a red onion and feta pot pie like it ws going out of style. then I unhinged my jaw like a snake and had a tomatoe stuffed with mustard, avocado and shrimp. slap me now.
oh then.
oohhhhhhh theennnnnn. . .
I was serving upstiars at the legion (*which i didnt even know HAD an upstairs) and the party ws for something to do with the catholic school board of sydney somthing something im not sure.
Anyhoo - they had the hall done up nicely with santa hats on chairs and antlers and other little party favours. so the food goes on and what not and im doing my little serving thing
when all of a sudden.
. . .
the party get bumpin'
seriously, music started and they all started dancing. one man was holding a hat with a whole punch of cut out stars, the size of you palm about. different colours on them with little words on them.
My star was blue.
I was a little startled and surprised when they asked me to stay and dance. . .
. ..
well commmon.
its not like i could say nooo . . .
maybe just one. . .
just ooooonnnnne daaaannce. . . right?
then the blue stars were called up.
moment of truth.
dance off.
seriously. im not jokin, not even a little.
dance off.
Theme - 50's Rock.
Oh sweet susan I kicked ass.
After twisting and cross stepping everywhere I was honoured with the "best dancer - rock'n'roll" honour.
The placed a crown of silver stars and twine on my head and I can only imagine I looked like a sweaty rock-n-roll type jesus.
They asked me to stay and dance so I said I would.
A man with a mic comes up to me and says " I need you to ask Fleix to dance"
so I scooped up the fake roses on the floor from the tango routine and gather them in a bouquet.
" theirs a special man out there - Felix, may I have this dance?" I asked bashfully into the mic.
and there from the crowd came my prince, the man who would sweep my off my feet, that I would dance the night away with. . .
The most awkward little asian fellow came up.
the only thing he was repeating in his thick accent - which I learned was Chinese - was " I dont know how" and "thank you" followed by alot of smiling.
He stood there not knowin what to do. both hands at about chest level looking like chicken wings. I held onto his hand and put the other one behind my back (*To alot of whoopin and cheerin for our dear felix) and the awkward dance began. I laughed and giggled and he stepped on my toes and said ' thank you' until the song was over. people cheered and I held up his hand in like a victorious boxer and Felix returned to the throng a champion. well done Felix my friend. I will never see you again but I certainly wont forget you.
I danced with ladies and gents most of the night and they fed me wine and were so so wonderful.
As I was leaving I was saying some good-bye's when everyone went silent.
" Well folks Im all done for the night and its time for me to head home but before I go I want to say Thank You all. really. For someone who is this far away from home for the first time and during this season especially when Im not with my family, I want to you to know that this was so much fun and that it really put me in the spirit. so thank you thank you thank you, you don't know what you've done for me by showing me such kindness."
. . . and then they started to clap.
I left and walked home with the biggest grin on my face. Some boy on the beach waved at me and gave me a grin. yup.still got it.
Never feel down, the world is beautiful. In every person there is good, there is light. There is a tiny dancer in all of us. Good people exist and they are all around us. everywhere you look.
Believe in yourself. Believe in the world. Smile at nothing. Smile at everything. Hug someone at LEAST once a day. smile when you walk. see who smiles back. love love love and never stop.
Well done katie.....sounds like you had a wonderful time, hope you showed them some of your Momma's dance moves hahahah. You are a wonderful ambassador.Keep up the writing, its wonderful to read.