I dont know why you are in this class and frankly I dont care. However, I find it rude and disrespectful that you sit in front of me, tilt your head back and snooze.
Now I understand how tired we students are, I myself am stressed out to the eyeballs and maybe I would have a little more compassion if you tried a little harder. But you sit in class, waste everyones time with your stupid comments that NEVER contribute to discussion and then SNORE when you sleep.
Do you have any idea what it took to get me down here and into this school? Do you know that I am literally BLEEDING money. For you to take this class is 36$ US a unit. I pay 260$us a unit. I can't get a job and am living off the tail end of a loan. So dont sit there like a complete moron and waste my time and money.
You are rude and inconsiderate.
Wooooooof good I had to get that off my chest.
I = stress ball.
I dont have inspiration to write more, im sorry bloggity blog, I thought I had more but im tapped already for the day.
later gater
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