my car is broken. Which I admit makes me sound like every SoCal princess on the block but seriously. I do.
long story short, a ladder fell off the back of some *curse word*'s truck because the moron clearly didn't know how to properly tie down something that is basically only a structure with a zillion different possibilities of how to . . . sorry angry rampage. must
Sooo as this thing comes hurdling down the freeway, I foresee the trajectory going riiiight threw my windshield and possibly through my frontal lobe.
My heart is in my throat as luckily my beast of a car pounces on the stupid ladder like a lioness on prey.
Seeing as my car is old, well go with " pounces on the stupid ladder like a grandma wearin slippers would pounce on rice pudding" even though i've always fancied Chocolate.
I digress.
So now, once again. I am virtually a hostage. In a place that I could scarcely figure my way around in as is.
Once again i've had to resort to begging for rides to school. Missing one class can be means of dismissal im told. weeellllll I cant do much about this one. I've called in my favours and even asked friends of friends.
Seems like everyone has things to do and there own lives to attend to (*The nerve. ok I joke)
This past weekend included a little chunk of crying. Okay a decent sized chunk of crying. I've felt since moving down here that, although I know that I did it for the right reasons, I've never felt so alone. With him working everyday and sometimes on the weekends, I'm virtually left alone most of the time. Not that I can't entertain myself but in a place that isn't as safe as home, with no mode of transportation or frankly any destination to get to and almost no friends at all. . . Its a loneliness that i've never felt before.
Far from the people and places that I love. If home is where the heart is, I dont think i'll be home again for a long long time.