I really dont think watching the Maury Povich show with the "he-are-not-you-are-5zillionpercent-brother-sister-bestfriend-cousin-DNA-liedetector" Rigamaroll helpful.
Usually( as bad as it is) that tv show makes me feel better. Yelling boisterously at the tv over wether or not Chris is the father of Pancake's baby and what a dead beat he is, makes me laugh and smile. Dont ask me why and dont judge me blog. love me for who i am i say!
BUT I am resolved. Im going to keep applying to school even though the computer isn't letting me. . . grummble. I am ever hopeful and will try again. I am going to take a shower. sing my little heart out. and get put together to go find me a Yob.
and flippin Dina world I deserve a job that will make me happy and stimulate me. I will walk in there with confidence and a good hand shake. Be polite and smile but dont come off like a Wiener.
See I feel better already.
now excuse me. Some giant lady isn't sure if her daughters father is her husband or her husbands son. . .