I feel very lucky in my life to ( threw some twist of fate) have met some truly wonderful people and in some cases; not meet them at all.
Last Friday I was waiting at 5 am in the Ottawa airport for a flight to Detroit and from there a connecting flight to LA for the weekend.
As I slowly snaked through the security line, took off my boots, got felt up briskly but briefly and continued down the escalator to every Canadian travelers next destination - Tim Hortons, My only thoughts were
Ahhhhh CAmmmooNNN this line up is BS!
BUT - the call for a large green tea with nothing it was stronger than I was. So I waited.
I anxiously looked at the clock, and back at the line. then back at the clock until FINALLY it was my turn. Katie May's time to shine.
approx. T minus 1 minute to tea and bliss and a sleepy flight.
" Attention all passengers - Paging Passenger . . . "
. . . dear god no. . . it couldn't possibly be . . .
"Kathleen . . . "
OHHHHH * selection of various curse words* !!?@$!#
And with this (and without ordering ) I booked it in my Vintage red leather pointy toed boots
( Before you start - I know. they don't exactly scream "sensible traveller" but Common, they are vintage! red leather! cowgirl-esque! with a little heel to them! I had to. I stand by my decision. and they are Fabulous.)
I get close to the gate I need to be at and doing the classic - Im in heels, small, fast steps around a corner run
Think of an E-brake turn in a car but the car is me. (I'd be a Yaris in case your wondering. probably red . . .anyways)
The young guy at the gate says
Yeah your flight is boarded and just waiting for you to take off.
*Blink Blink* . . . oh god. . . oh no . . . ohhh friiiggg. . .
Get running, through those doors.
So i book it. I get into a long hall way and ^Cue dramatic black out^ I have three doors in front of me. and Nobody around.
All three take me in different directions meaning that a slip up would result in A) missing the flight or B) making a plane full of strangers hate me more than they might right now.
I looked out the window and funny enough the WHOLE ground crew are standing their staring at me motioning for me to come down.
So again I start the high heel E-braking around corners ramp decent into the bitter morning air to climb up the stairs and slip into my seat and the plane CLEARLY last and mumbling " sorry " s and quiet awkward smiles and little laughs between blushing and bumbling.
Flustered, I sit down and put my seat belt on not wanting to look at anyone. . .
*Ugh . . . I'm THAT guy*
you all know the one. That one person in a situation where you look at them and think
"pppfffttt the nerve" or " Really buddy? common. have some sense I cant believe you . . . "
or other less polite thoughts. . . .
About 30 seconds after, the same young guy who paged me on the intercom pops his head into the plane and spots me, comes over and puts a coffee in my hands.
" The ladies behind you in line at Tim Hortons saw you running and they bought you this - Have a good flight"
and left.
Totally dumbfounded I sat in my seat bewildered and in awe of what just happened. Silent tears started running down my cheeks and I clutched the coffee like the treasure it was.
Thank you Ladies. whoever you are and wherever you are. I will never never forget you.
I think it's always funny the people you meet and the places you go.
The flight from Detroit to LA was delayed by a good couple hours and in then I met a lovely gentlemen Named Bob who was destined to Hawaii to celebrate his 40th anniversary with his wife. Its so refreshing in a world like ours to hear that true love still lives. Congrats to you my friend Bob I hope it was just as beautiful as the years with your wife have been and many many more.
I couldn't have asked for a better seat mate on the way to LA than Paul. For four or five hours this wonderful man became my instant friend and I can safely say that that flight was in my top 5 favorite flights of all time. the whole time was filled with stimulating conversation, discussion, the best snack the plane had to offer ( ugh thank you again Paul, your such a gem) and stories. my god the best stories about everything and nothing, some important and some (*mostly mine) senseless rambling. Thank you for the advice and the insight, it is very much appreciated. I truly hope that at some time in my life that our paths cross again.
People like Paul, and Bob and those ladies certainly don't come along everyday and Im so so lucky to have met them. Thank you world.
As I still here slurping my tea, I get ready for bed knowing and thankful that I'm a lucky lucky girl.
Next time your going threw a drive threw - kindly ask the person working what the car behind you had. if it doesn't put you out too much, pay for them.
It the nicest thing you can do and i've been trying to consciously do it for years. its just some spare change for us and you've totally made someone else's day. you never have to see them or talk to them you just drive away know you've done your good deed for the day.
Spread the love. it isn't hard and trust me. It means the world to the receiver.