Well we're getting closer, everyday, every week . . .
I was at work today and I asked Meghanwitch " If I was a bird, what kind of bird would I be?"
She thought about it for a little while, smiled and said " Mmmm. . . you my dear, would be a Goldfinch." And went back to sorting lettuce. Beautiful people those witches are. I'm trying to remember the address of where I can send them things from my adventures in my head just incase I cant find my book or something.
I just re-read that and I sound like a nut job. Oh father you must be so proud of your little girls writing n'est pas? What I truly meant was - should I loose my address book I'd like to be able to still send them things. there.
I took Mon Petit Grenouille (MPG) out for the first test run with great success! I took it ( I haven't decided if its a boy or girl yet) to work with me and then after work carried it to the grocery store with Alexwitch and Filled the whole 80 ltrs! it was crazy! packed to the tits! ( does that make it a girl? . .. Is it bad to say "tits" on a blog?? . . . flip sorry mum)
But im takin full like whole case of Ginger Ale in it too! I took a picture and ill try to post it, another blog first.
But speaking of FTTT ( full to the . . . well you know) Sona called me last night and we talked about packing and all that jazz and in true older sister style she said
Katie, you DO know how to pack right?
Um. . .well yeah. . .sort of. . .
Oh kate *laughs* Okay, put everything you want to take with you. Put it on your bed. Now cut it in half.
Unhuh . . .
Now Cut that in half.
Yeah. Now put that in your bag. Three days later, take it all out again . . .
no. . .
and put it on your bed. . .
and Cut THAT in half.
o_O thats a little drastic isn't it. . . (* thats my wide eyes and mild stroke or cardiac arrest face)
Trust me. When I was backpacking in China I was pissed about having a bag on my back and a small one in front of me too. Its a lot easier to get things while your down there than try and get ride of things once your there.
Touche sister, your wise.
Thinking of things that i'm not sure if i want to bring like a black and silver pin stripe apron for serving just incase kind of thing. . . or a black dress serving shirt. . . things that could be useful but if not used serve absolutely no purpose. . . hmmm lets try this picture thing.